Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Enumeration Sensation

The last couple weeks have been eventful, to say the least. Here are some things that have happened in the last month:

My grandmother turned 80
I learned how to shape my world through computational modeling (serious, I am hooked. You can solve so many problems with Microsoft Excel)
I discovered the joys of Photoshop
I sent out a survey for real-life psychology research
I finished all 15 seasons of South Park (okay, not in one month, definitely took more like 4)
I revived my beautiful bicycle
I wrote a very passionate paragraph to WOBC about why I rule... we'll see what they think...
Became better friends with so many cool people! So many!
Saw Iron & Wine
Came up with the idea for a jug band, Iron & Wino
Made a poster-sized eye chart (for a group project, btws, I'm majoring in optometry now - ok, kidding)
Had a breakdown
It was the first major one of the whole semester (this is really really really good)
Went to my first ever roller derby
Stopped sleeping as much
Started going to the library again
Attended a labor rally
Several things that I can't blog about
Continued going to class and doing my homework!

Gold star for me. This week is rough, 2 group projects, one group presentation, a nasty battle with Survey Monkey, Excel, and SPSS, this weird pre-finals cold going around, and Folkfest. But even though I left my room at 9 am today and didn't get back until 9:30 pm, things are really, really good for the most part.
A note on the roller derby: It ruled! Picture 20 women, roller skating in an oval. Picture 2 women trying to get through a pack of their teammates and the other team on roller skates while staying in bounds, going fast, and not falling down. Now imagine that these people are your sisters, your girlfriends, and even your moms. My favorite part of the derby was seeing all of the families and friends who were there. Some of the women were my age, but the vast majority appeared to be in their early to late 30s (ok, not that old, but it's pretty impressive considering how rough the sport is). It was really inspiring. I figure I have 10 years to get really tough and learn to roller skate, then I'll be rolling around the rink in pink spandex, crazy eye make-up, with a name like Morbid, CupQuake, Sparkles, Mommy's Little Monster, or West Nel Virus.


  1. There's supposedly some pretty crazy roller derby stuff going down up here in Detroit. I've been meaning to check it out, but I keep forgetting to look further into it.


  2. Go to Roller Derby Matt! It RULES!
