Friday, June 14, 2013

The 2013 Road Trippies: An Awards Show

The best way for me to document events is to make lists about them. One of the more entertaining types of lists is a list of awards. As many of you may or may not know, I recently relocated from West Virginia to Boulder Colorado by car. Without further ado, I proudly present....

The 2013 Road Trippies!

Best Place for a Brush with Celebrity: St. Louis, MO 
In addition to Chuck Berry's restaurant, Blueberry Hill, the Loop in St. Louis boasts a bowling alley, Pinup Bowl, that is owned by Nelly. If someone else is paying, stay in the Moonrise Hotel, a classy joint that looks like the 60s vomited all over it. Nelly likes to stay there, so get ready to get low!

Most Surprisingly Beautiful Part of the Country: Eastern Kansas
I was expecting to be bored all the way through Kansas. But actually, it was the most beautiful places I saw on the entire trip. Rolling hills, lots of green, windmills and cows hanging out in farm ponds. It was breathtaking.

Most Disturbing Evidence of Climate Change: 1st Prize: Western Kansas
                                                                          Runner Up: Southern Illinois
Western Kansas is a dry wasteland that people insist upon continuing to irrigate even though all of the streams and farm ponds have been dried up. I'm no expert on agriculture or climate change, but I do know that THIS IS NOT SUSTAINABLE! Of course, I was thinking these thoughts to my self as I sped along at 75 MPH in a car by myself bemoaning my broken A/C. But folks, we've got to stop depending on places where it doesn't rain anymore to grow our food for us.

Southern Illinois was in the midst of a huge flood. I grew up in a place where the rivers flooded pretty much every year, and there were occasional huge floods, but I'd never seen entire wooded areas filled with water. If only I could have filled my car with it and dumped it all over Western Kansas.

Largest Concentration of Beautiful People: Maysville, Missouri
I stopped in Maysville to visit a friend who goes to Berea College. He's currently working at this place called Open Source Ecology where they build plans for eco-friendly tractors that anyone can build and use. I think. Anyway, everyone there was really nice, Central Missouri is really pretty and the people at Open Source Ecology were incredibly generous, beautiful inside and out, and awfully easy on the eyes after several days on the road.

Just look at them. Aren't they the ones you want to have greeting you when you're road weary?

Best Travel Companion: 1st Prize: Kate F. Runner Up: My dad
My dad got me through the first day, driving 12 hours from Green Bank, WV to St. Louis. He bought me food, paid for gas, and drove when I got tired. I was expecting to drive by myself the rest of the way, but in Maysville, Missouri, I ran into the beautiful Kate.

We'd met before while I was visiting Berea a few years back. She was headed to Montana by way of Denver. She was the main reason I had such an enjoyable trip post-St. Louis. Without her, I never would have gone swimming in a reservoir in central Missouri, stuck around Open Source Ecology long enough to catch up with my friend and meet the founder of OSE, noticed the first glimpses of the Rocky Mountains, or driven around Oakley Kansas. It was nice to have someone to share my hotel room in Salina, Kansas and all of the trials and tribulations of the road. I wish her the best of luck in her new job in Montana and would travel with her any day! 

Best Rest Stop: Oakley, Kansas
They had a chandelier made out of antlers. And a diner. And booze. And this sign.
No Oakley Kansas, thank you.

Favorite Road Trip Bad Habit: Taking Pictures Out the Window While Driving
In my defense, it's a heck of a lot safer than texting while driving. And a lot better for my body than smoking or eating M&Ms.

Best Road Trip Anthem: National Anthem by Lana Del Rey
Thanks to Katie F. for introducing me to this song. Lana Del Rey is no Ke$ha, but this song was a fun one with a terrible message, but whatever I still listened to it on repeat. It kept me sane after my A/C crapped out on me in Western Kansas.

Best Road Trip Meal: Tudor's Biscuit World, Craigsville, West Virginia
I had to stop at Tudor's before I left the state. If you've never experienced the wonder that is Tudor's Biscuit World, book a flight to the Charleston, WV airport, rent a car, and drive to the nearest Tudors. They seem to be endemic to Southern West Virginia, although there are a few in Southern Ohio. My favorite thing to order is the Mary B, because I don't really like potatoes, but you really can't go wrong. Unless you're vegan or can't eat gluten. In which case, West Virginia is gonna be a hard state for you.

Best Surprise Upon Reaching My Destination:
My roommates in Boulder rule. They all sculpture MFA students at Colorado University. They are also friendly and generous. I'm excited to spend the summer living with them and getting to know them better!

Thanks for attending the 2013 Road Trippies! Until next time,

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