Things I Learned At Clifftop
1. Be one with the Port-O-Potty.
Yes it is possible. Yes, it requires NOT LOOKING DOWN. If you have to use it at night DON'T BRING A FLASHLIGHT. If you do bring a flashlight, DO NOT LOOK DOWN! Point it at the ceiling and check out all of the cool bugs. If bugs disturb you more than other peoples' feces, disregard this advice. Being one with the Port-O-Potty requires determination, a bottle of scented hand sanitizer in your purse, and sometimes a little alcohol, but you will be all the happier for it. Because hiking up the hill to the sometimes-open flush toilets gets really old, and there's only so many times you can pee behind your tent in broad daylight before your neighbors stop sharing coffee with you.
2. There is no shame in going to bed early.
There is more shame in getting pressured to stay up too late, then losing your cool and threatening a 17 year old. But that's a story for another time. Just go to bed. Your friends will be there tomorrow, and they will appreciate it if you aren't Cranky McCrankerson and teary and mean.
3. Red lipstick is a powerful weapon.
Seriously more people should wear red lipstick. Use with caution and a sense of humor. When using, make sure to plant red lipstick marks on as many people as possible in as tasteful a way as possible. Make sure to bat your eyelashes and wiggle your non-existent eyebrows (because what kind of jerk wears make up at a music festival - me, duh -but this was part of a social experiment, and as many of you may or may not know, I don't have visible eyebrows unless I draw them on) in as ridiculous manner as possible. Unless you're wearing it for a job interview. Alternately, don't drink and red lipstick.
4. There are so many beautiful women in their 50s/60s/70s
Are these women beautiful because they've found the fountain of youth? No. Are they beautiful because they've had plastic surgery? No. Are they beautiful because they spend all of their time and energy fighting the natural aging process? No! They are beautiful because they have retained the beautiful spirits that they had when they were young. They are beautiful because they have accepted their faces and bodies for what they are, and aren't trying to cling desperately to their youth. They are beautiful because everyone is beautiful at Clifftop (shut up inner hippie!). They are beautiful because they won the genetic lottery, those bitches (okay kidding, but I think that this helps). I'm going to keep these things in mind as I age. And hopefully I can be a beautiful 50/60/70 something too! (Also, I suspect that red lipstick might also help).
5. Generosity is the most important thing you can bring to a music festival. And venison.
Heh, that's all the insight for now. But I'm sure that there will be more to come on trickling down the old brain stem. Until next time...
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